Hartlepool Borough Council - Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO)


11 Feb

It has emerged that Hartlepool Borough Council is considering the introduction of an Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order (EMRO)

In this instance they are consulting upon restricting sales of alcohol beyond 02.00 in the Town Centre area. 

A meeting has been scheduled for 2pm on Friday 22 February at the Civic Centre, Victoria Road, Hartlepool which will provide an opportunity to discuss the proposal with Licensing Officers.

The formal consultation commences on 14 February and will conclude on 28 March 2013. The Council's website (www.hartlepool.gov.uk/licensing) explains how representations can be made and provides the prescribed form for doing so.

If you have premises which may be affected by the EMRO we would be interested to hear your views in connection with this. If you require advice or assistance in drafting or presenting a representation, please do not hesitate to contact our team of Solicitors.

We shall keep you informed as to progress of this consultation.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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